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What Is Included in Personal Care Services

Personal Care Services | Companion Care, Inc

Carrying out day-to-day activities such as preparing meals, grocery shopping and grooming are things that many of us take for granted. However, they are activities that the elderly and sick are unable to carry out on their own. This is where personal care home services can help. We at Companion care are committed to helping our patients remain in the comfortable and familiar environment of their homes for as long as is safely possible. We provide personal care services that are designed to assist those in our care to carry out day-to-day activities that they are otherwise unable to perform on their own.

Personal care services

There are many activities that we perform daily in order to maintain a good quality of life. However, the elderly and sick are sometimes unable to perform these tasks on their own. We provide families with a trained and experienced personal carer whose role it is to assist those under their care with basic day-to-day activities. Some examples of the services offered by a caregiver include:

  • Bathing
  • Toileting
  • Oral hygiene
  • Grooming
  • Dressing
  • Preparing meals
  • Eating meals
  • Reminders to take medication
  • Mobility

At home personal care is often confused with home health care services. However, these two types of services are distinct in what they offer. A personal caregiver provides personal care services. These are non-medical services that do not require specialized medical training. Our caregivers however are trained and experienced in the provision of old people care and care for those that are unable to carry out day-to-day activities for health reasons. Our services ensure that those under our care can live a more comfortable life in the environment they are familiar with for longer.

Benefits of personal in-home care services

There are many reasons why in-home personal care is a better option for assisted living facilities or nursing homes.

1. The ability to stay home

Many seniors and infirm people would prefer to live in the comfortable and familiar environments of their homes. Being in a familiar environment is good for their mental health. They will be less stressed and anxious. This will translate to improve results with treatment. Seniors that are able to continue living at home show slower deterioration than those that go to live in assisted living facilities or nursing homes. Personal care services help to ensure that seniors can continue living in their homes for as long as is safely possible.

2. Reduced cost

There are costs involved in hiring a personal caregiver. However, you will have more control over the costs of hiring a caregiver than that of living in a nursing home or an assisted living facility. This is because you can choose the level and amount of care required. If you only need assistance with a few activities in a day, for example, you may save a lot of money with a personal caregiver.

3. Personalized care

Another major benefit of personal care is that the care can be tailored to meet your personal needs and preferences. A personal caregiver can give their full attention to their charge. They are able to identify the needs of the individual and provide care that meets these needs. You are therefore more likely to receive better care and have your needs met with a personal caregiver than if you were to opt for a nursing home or assisted living facility.

4. Better quality of life

Being able to stay home surrounded by loved ones ensures that the elderly and sick have a better quality of life. Personal caregivers are also better able to meet the specific needs and requirements of their charges. This helps their charges maintain a degree of independence. They are also able to form a bond with the caregiver which provides them with the emotional support they need. Their overall quality of life is greatly improved as a result.

Are you considering personal care services? We at Companion Care provide personal care services. We’ll connect you with an experienced caregiver that will meet your needs. They will provide you with the support and care you need to ensure you can remain in your home for as long as is safely possible.

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